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MOTHER OF ALL FROGS - Wins at Chicago Horror Film Festival

This is so exciting to announce


( #GodOfFrogs : Chapter 1) has won

Festival Director Favorite: Best International Film

at @chicagohorrorfest !!!!


I'm so grateful to have been able to write, direct, and act in this wonderful segment.

Huge congrats to everyone involved in making this little froggy dream come true.

Thank you to my amazing cast and crew, I couldn't have done this without them. @jaredmarino_, @liamhobanthrush @izzyshiffy @angieshiffy @lynnegriff17 @sullybahn @butchershopfx @ryan_louagie James Gilbert

Thank you to the wonderful people at @highballtv for believing in my outrageous concept. @campagnavision @melissadags @jsharp27

@ilanahaley . Shout out to my fellow directors @abobb @nana_metcalfe and @richardtheartistlee, I can't wait for the world to see our froggy anthology.

I'm definitely forgetting people, and I am so sorry for that. I'll keep tagging as I remember.

Stay tuned for GOD OF FROGS premiere !!!

And more screenings of #MotherOfAllFrogs



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